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WFP Honduras Country Brief, December 2016



  • WFP Honduras has one of the largest Cash Based Transfer (CBT) portfolios in Latin America. Beyond the relief and recovery operation, CBTs are also enhancing food assistance in climate change adaptation and mitigation activities.

  • WFP partnered with the Government of Honduras to manage an innovative Home Grown School Feeding programme, ensuring diversified and nutritious school meals for children. In collaboration with municipalities and farmers associations, WFP is providing fresh products such as eggs and vegetables.

Operational Updates

  • The Government’s School Feeding Programme, supported by WFP for the inclusion of fresh vegetables and eggs has been a success among schoolchildren and local producers, as it encouraged local production, and promoted higher nutritional intake and dietary diversity for the school children.

  • WFP Honduras and its partners implemented activities and processes that contributed to stronger community organization, cohesion and empowerment through the active engagement of Municipal and Local Emergency Committees; community assets and infrastructures such as roads, schools, health centers; injection of cash into local markets to promote local economies, employment generation, stimulation of retailers and traders, and support of local food farmers.

  • The Food and Nutrition Observatory implemented a second Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) training.
    The objective was to improve the management of national data; strengthen scientific research; and support the Government of Honduras in the accomplishment of national FSN goals. The participants were from government, the private sector and civil society professionals.

  • In support of the global movement “16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence”, WFP staff participated in the gender symposium organized by the National Institute for Women (INAM). Visibility material was also produced under the slogan: “Gender violence increases hunger and malnutrition”. WFP plans to continue working with INAM to enhance gender equity in all of its projects in compliance with the corporate gender policy 2015-2020.

  • To commemorate the end of the school year, WFP and the ACRA Foundation held an educational fair to award 38 parents and teachers and 60 small producers trained in Food Security and Nutrition throughout the year. The trainees developed four thematic stands that included: nutrition and healthy eating; solid waste management; hygiene and health; and agro-food production systems.