Tegucigalpa, 30 October 2008 - WFP is providing emergency food to 55,000 people affected by unusually heavy rains in Honduras. The rains, which swept over Honduras for five consecutive days in mid October, caused extensive flooding and damage to property and infrastructure, leaving more than thirty people dead, and forcing more than 40,000 to seek shelter in temporary housing.
"This is a catastrophe for the people of Honduras. These rains came out of nowhere and we are extremely concerned about food supplies," said Jaime Vallaure, WFP Country Director in Honduras, adding that thousands of acres of maize and bean crops are now submerged under water.
The United Nations issued a Flash Appeal for Honduras on Wednesday, with WFP appealing for US$500,000 for its emergency response, and a further US$4.7 million for a recovery operation targeting 135,000 beneficiaries. Total food requirements for the next six months are estimated at 2,860 metric tonnes.
WFP is providing rations of beans, corn and rice, to those who have been worst affected by the floods, including the large number who have sought refuge in temporary housing. Nearly 50 bridges were destroyed in the storms and there has been extensive damage to the road network, adding an additional challenge to the relief operation.
Contact us
Alejandro Chicheri,
WFP/Latin America and the Caribbean,
Tel +507-317-3900,
Cell +507-6675-0617
Hetze Tosta,
Tel .(504) 236-9002 ext 1633, Cell (504) 9791-0146
Elio Rujano,
WFP/Latin America and the Caribbean,
Tel: +507 317-3930,
Cell +507 6617-9261
Gregory Barrow,
Tel. +39-06-65132330,
Cell. +39-3481325018, (ISDN line available)