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UNHCR San Pedro Sula Fact Sheet - June 2024


Internal displacement is predominantly driven by mobility restrictions, extortion, forced recruitment, and gender-based violence. It is increasingly aecting urban areas, especially San Pedro Sula. UNHCR provides protection by presence in these urban centres, and services for returnees and people in mixed movements through the north.

People forcibly displaced and at risk of displacement within San Pedro Sula and its surroundings face heightened risks of violence and exploitation. UNHCR's interventions aim to mitigate these risks by oering protection and support, emphasizing the importance of strong local organizations and humanitarian assistance in high-risk communities.

The situation in San Pedro Sula is expected to evolve with continued eorts to strengthen local capacities and enhance protective measures for those at risk. Future initiatives will focus on legal assistance, capacity building, and community-based protection.


The San Pedro Sula Field Oce covers the north part of the country, working in the departments of Atlántida, Colón, Cortes, Santa Bárbara, and Yoro. It operates in 20 high-risk urban and rural communities, as well as near the Corinto border with Guatemala. UNHCR has an established presence in the Centres for Attention to Returned Migrants (CAMR) in the cities of Omoa and La Lima, and the Centre for Attention to Families and Minors (CANFM) in Belén, in San Pedro Sula. UNHCR’s primary focus is on supporting people who are internally displaced or at risk of displacement, returnees, and individuals in mixed movements who are in need of international protection.