Country: Honduras
Name and type of operation: PRRO
Reporting period: 17 / 10/ 08
to 19 / 10 / 08
Date of report: 20th of October
1. Description of the last Floods Events:
Heavy rainfall left by the tropical wave caused floods along the country affecting more than 124,000 people. Honduras National Emergency declaration has been stated by the President of Honduras, Mr . Manuel Zelaya.after discussions with the Minister council. WFP is assistance the most affected areas; however, pipeline breakdowns and no confirmed contributions to the regional PRRO are making difficult to the Country Office to respond in a timely and efficient way.
Brief description of on-going emergencies:
1.1. Tropical Depression 16 moved inland Honduras and west at 7 mph over northern Honduras and left heavy rain, causing flash flooding and mudslides along Honduras:
1.1.1. Northern and Atlantic Regions: Floods in Sula Valley, mainly in the municipalities of Potrerillos and Pimienta in Cortes department, and Tela in Atlantida.
1.1.2. Western Region: Floods and landslide affected the municipalities of Corquin, Cabañas, Copan Ruinas, and Santa Rita in Copan Department.
1.1.3. Central Region: Flood in Comayagua and landslide in Taulabe municipalities interrupts the transit in the Pan-American road for more than 8 hours. More than fifty houses were flooded in Comayagua. Floods were also reported in several municipalities in Olancho Department.
1.1.4. Southern Region: Flood affected Monjaras in Choluteca and Alianza in Valle.
1.1.5. Eastern Region: Flood occurred in the municipality of Jutiapa, and a landslide in the Municipalities of Luire in the Paraiso.
Some of most productive areas have been affected as Jamastran and Comayagua Valleys. However the damages haven't been quantified.