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Honduras - Floods (Honduran Red Cross, National Permanent Commission of Emergencies (COPECO), Humanitarian partners) (ECHO Daily Flash of 26 September 2022)

  • The Honduras government declared a state wide of emergency for 90 days to respond immediately and efficiently to the consequences of floods in the country.

  • COPECO declared a red alert for the departments of Santa Barbara and Copan for 48 hours, for the municipalities bordering Ulua river where the population is being evacuated.

  • 3,297 families and 796 houses are affected and 98 shelters were activated for the emergency sheltering of 8,276 persons.

  • The armed forces and the Police are requested to provide security to the places where displaced persons are gathered.

  • The Honduran Red Cross has been intervening as of last week and it is evacuating people, providing first aid, assessing the needs in shelters and distributing kits. It is assessing the needs of 6,700 displaced persons.

  • Links with COPECO are set up and communication flows are also ongoing with the regional COERT and CODEMs. The Honduran Red Cross would like to provide cash assistance to the most vulnerable families including families who stay with relatives and not in shelters.