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Country Disaster Risk Profiles - Honduras


HONDURAS Earthquakes and Hurricanes RISK PROFILE

What is a country disaster risk profile?

An estimation of the potential economic losses to property caused by adverse natural hazards.

Country Disaster Risk Profile Applications

  • Develop key baseline data
  • Evaluate impact of disasters
  • Promote and inform risk reduction
  • Inform disaster risk financing

Country At-A-Glance

GDP US$ 19.3 billion

Population 8.3 million

Total Building Exposure US$ (Replacement Value) 27.5 billion


  • The hurricane risk in Honduras is more significant than the earthquake risk.

  • Annual Average Loss (AAL) from hurricanes is US$ 48M (0.25% of GDP) and from earthquakes is US$ 25.5M (0.13% of GDP).

  • The Probable Maximum Loss for hurricanes (250 year return period) is US$ 1.6B (8% of GDP) and for earthquakes (250 year return period) is US$ 684M (3.5% of GDP).

  • Single-family, residential houses constructed with adobe are the buildings most vulnerable to earthquakes, accounting for over 40% of AAL.