WASHINGTON, DC, July 5, 2023 – The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors approved today US$12 million in additional financing for the Caribbean Regional Air Transport Connectivity Project. The grant financing replenishes funds to cover cost overruns related to repairs recently identified at the Cap-Haïtien International Airport, to bolster the country aviation sector and ensure that the airport continues to meet international standards set out by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
“Air connectivity remains critical to Haiti’s economy and its ability to respond to emergencies, particularly given its insularity, weak ground transport infrastructure, and lingering insecurity over key roadways”, said Laurent Msellati, World Bank Country Manager for Haiti. “With this additional financing, the World Bank ensures that the Cap Haïtien International Airport is supporting the safe, resilient, and reliable travel of passengers in and out the country’s northern region. It will have direct impact on inclusive growth but also will increase education, jobs, healthcare, and trade opportunities while supporting climate change adaptation and mitigate their impacts.”
Cap Haïtien remains a strategic entry port to the north of the country, contributing to both connectivity and territorial continuity. However, this continued ability to operate even during security crisis and natural disasters - providing essential connectivity to emergency and other humanitarian activities - is increasingly at risk, due to continued deterioration amid insufficient maintenance.
The US$12 million additional financing of the Caribbean Regional Air Transport Connectivity Project will address the Rehabilitation of Cap-Haïtien International Airport runway. It will also improve the international airport drainage system thanks to major infrastructure works aiming at improving the runoff of rainwater, using climate change projections, including a larger share of nature-based solutions.
The initial project was approved on May 2020 thanks to a US$84 million grant from the International Development Association with the aim of improving the operational safety and navigational efficiency of air transport in Haiti’s territory and increasing the climate and disaster resilience of related infrastructure at Haiti’s international airports.
For more information, please visit: www.worldbank.org/haiti
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