In Numbers
2.1 million affected people, of which 894,000 are children.
1.4 million people require humanitarian assistance.
806,000 people severely food insecure.
Situation Update
The overall security situation is relatively calm except in Jeremie where the food distribution has been cancelled last Tuesday due to manifestation linked to the arrest of the senator Guy Philippe.
From 13-18 February, general food distributions has been provided to almost 18,000 households in Sud and Grande-Anse.
WFP Response
Since the beginning of the operation, WFP has reached 924,879 people with general food distributions with a total of 17,819 mt of food.
From 13-18 February, WFP provided specialized nutritious food in Grande-Anse and Sud department to a total of 1,755 children under five and 1,020 pregnant and nursing women.