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WFP Haiti Situation Report #38, 9 February 2017


In Numbers

  • 2.1 million affected people, of which 894,000 are children.

  • 1.4 million people require humanitarian assistance.

  • 806,000 people severely food insecure.

Situation Update

  • The overall security situation is calm and WFP operations continue without incident at the moment.

  • Since 1 February, general food distributions has been distributed to 19,600 households since the Escort service provided by MINUSTAH and HNP has resumed in Jeremie and les Cayes after being on hold from 25-31 January during the election period.

WFP Response

  • Since the beginning of the operation, WFP has reached 921,439 people with general food distributions with a total of 15,997 mt of food.

  • In total since the beginning of the operation, WFP provided specialized nutritious food in GrandeAnse and Sud department to a total of 38,282 children under the age of five and 11,700 pregnant and nursing women.