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WFP Haiti Situation Report #37, 3 February 2017


In Numbers

  • 2.1 million affected people, of which** 894,000** are children.

  • 1.4 million people require humanitarian assistance.

  • 806,000 people severely food insecure.

Situation Update

  • The overall security situation is relatively calm and WFP operations continue without incident at the moment.

  • Escort service provided by MINUSTAH and HNP has resumed in Jeremie and les Cayes after being on hold from 25-31 January during the election period.

  • General food distributions has also resumed from the 1 February in Grande-Anse and South departments.

WFP Response

  • Since the beginning of the operation, WFP has reached 921,439 people with general food distributions with a total of 15,997 mt of food.

  • In total since the beginning of the operation, WFP provided specialized nutritious food to a total of 26,175 children under the age of five and 8,620 pregnant and nursing women.