In Numbers
2,944 MT of food distributed*
USD 2.7 M cash-based transfers made* USD
186.8 M twelve-month (December 2024 – November 2025) net funding requirements, representing 55 % of the total of funding required
792,434 people assisted* in November 2024 *Preliminary numbers
Operational Updates
• In November, WFP supported a total of 792,434 people across its programmes, including through the distribution of 723,230 hot meals, USD 2.7 million in cash-based transfers (CBT), and 2,944 MT of food commodities.
• Through the emergency programme, WFP reached 296,412 people with 1,265 MT of food and 30,490 people with USD 632,800 in cash-based transfers (CBT). WFP also distributed 723,230 hot meals to 119,952 people, including 77,714 internally displaced people (IDPs) in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince (699,107 hot meals) and the remaining to 27,123 returnees from the Dominican Republic. Through the school meal programme, WFP reached over 459,879 children including 309,859 of them assisted through the HomeGrown School Meal programme.
• As part of its nutrition-specific activities embedded in emergency, resilience, and social protection activities, WFP partners screened 5,888 children (3020 girls and 2868 boys) for malnutrition. Of these, 242 girls and 237 boys were referred for Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) treatment, while 77 girls and 84 boys required Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) treatment. SBCC efforts reached 571 pregnant and lactating women, 4093 women, and 1731 men, promoting better nutrition practices. Additionally, 0,789 metric tons of Lipid-based Nutrient Supplements (LNS) were distributed, benefiting 526 individuals through the Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program (BSFP), while 576 people received cash transfers to prevent malnutrition.
• Through WFP's resilience activities, 2,397 households participated in rehabilitation activities of community assets. A total of USD 230,620 was distributed to the participants and their family members (11,985 people).
• Furthermore, WFP supported the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour in implementing the Adaptive Social Protection for Increased Resilience project (social protection), providing assistance to 14,645 beneficiaries with USD 127,112 distributed.