In Numbers
705.4 mt of food assistance distributed*
USD 6.2 m cash-based transfers made*
USD 118.5 m six-months (December 2023 - May 2024) net funding requirements, representing 72 percent of the total
699,581 people assisted* in NOVEMBER 2023
*Preliminary numbers
Operational Updates
As part of its emergency response, WFP transferred USD 3,9 million to 137,630 beneficiaries and distributed 142.2 mt of food commodities to 25,500 people. WFP also distributed 9,176 hot meals in November in two towns at the border with the Dominican Republic to repatriated Haitians.
Through the school feeding programme, WFP reached 410,266 school children with 562mt. This includes 202,221 school children assisted through the home-grown school meals programme with 42.9mt of locally sourced products.
As part of WFP’s resilience activities, 7,275 households conducted rehabilitation activities and construction of community assets. A total of USD 1,06 million was distributed to these people and their family members (36,375 people).
As part of its nutrition activities embedded in emergency, resilience, and social protection activities, WFP screened 4,022 children for malnutrition. Some 60 children were found moderately acutely malnourished and 19 children were severely acutely malnourished. The latter were referred to health centers for further care.
WFP supported 115,310 people with USD 1,2 million along with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour implementing the Adaptive Social Protection for Increased Resilience project (social protection).
Through its maritime service, WFP transported 455 mt of cargo in two voyages and supported three partners with 15 vehicles in November.
In November, the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) diligently operated 126 flights, transporting 1395 passengers and handling a substantial cargo weight of 3464 kilograms, contributing to vital humanitarian efforts.