In Numbers
760.6 MT of food distributed*
USD 3.5 cash-based transfers made*
USD 75.3 six-month (July 2024 – December 2024) net funding requirements, representing 53 % of the total
696,271 people assisted* in June 2024
*Preliminary numbers
Operational Updates
- In June, WFP supported 696,271 people with over USD 3.5 million in cash-based transfers (CBT) and 760.6 MT of food.
- Through the emergency programme, WFP reached 37,675 people with 481.4 MT of food, and 42,155 people with USD 1 million of cash-based transfers (CBT). WFP also distributed 326,514 hot meals to 34,918 people, the majority of which were distributed to 22,630 internally displaced people in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince (306,345 hot meals) and the remaining to 8,055 returnees from the Dominican Republic.
- Through the school meals programme, WFP reached 417,523 school children with around 437 MT of food. This includes 217,800 school children assisted through the Home-Grown School Meals programme (176.6 MT).
- As part of its nutrition-specific activities embedded in emergency, resilience, and social protection activities, WFP partners screened 1,932 children. Out of those, 220 were moderately malnourished. In addition, 5,125 people participated in Social and Behavior Change Communication sensitization activities. Additionally, over 6,000 people were supported by WFP nutrition top-ups.
- As part of WFP's resilience activities, 4,698 households conducted rehabilitation activities and construction of community assets. A total of USD 1 million was distributed to the participants and their family members (23,490 people).
- Furthermore, WFP supported the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour in implementing the Adaptive Social Protection for Increased Resilience project (social protection), providing support to 126,745 beneficiaries with USD 1.4 million distributed.
- WFP operated 4 humanitarian cargo flights between Panama and Haiti in June (out of a total of 12 flights since April), transporting 82 metric tons of medicines, medical supplies, and non-food items. These flights supported eight organizations, including UNICEF, IOM, ICRC, PAHO, World Vision, Save the Children and UNODC.