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WFP Haiti Country Brief, July 2022


In Numbers

1,138 mt of food assistance distributed*

USD 370,400 of cash-based transfers made*

USD 64.8 m six-months (September 2022 – February 2023) net funding requirements, representing 49% of total

USD 55.3 m for Emergency Response

217,835 people assisted* in July 2022

*Preliminary numbers

Operational Updates

  • In July, WFP provided emergency assistance (food or cash) to 58,925 people (11,785 households) and distributed USD 375,000 and 562 mt of food across five departments in nine municipalities.

  • The emergency assistance to respond to internally displaced persons (IDPs) due to gang violence distributed 19,425 hot meals twice a day to 1,000 IDPs in Cité Soleil. In addition, WFP and its partners organized in-kind distributions in the areas of Brooklyn and Belekou, where 2,600 households (13,000 people) received a one-week food ration. Each household received 7 kg of rice, 1.75 kg of peas, and 0.5 kg of oil. WFP has been increasing the coverage of hot meals for the displaced people outside of Cité Soleil to support the transit centres and increasing the frequency of in-kind distributions.

  • The school feeding programme reached 62,000 schoolchildren in July through take-home rations. In preparation for the 2022-2023 school year, WFP is prepositioning stocks in field offices to speed up September deliveries for the first distribution cycle (September to December 2022). The first distributions are estimated to start during the first week of September in the North and North East department.

  • To support 2,300 vulnerable members from the urban areas of Gonaives (Artibonite), Terrier Rouge and Fort Liberte (Nord Est) and Cap Haitien (Nord), WFP in collaboration with the representatives of the directorates of the Ministry of Agriculture, and with the support of the Civil Protection General Directorate, implemented a cash for resilience programme aimed to drain and clean the canals that usually cause flooding during the cyclonic season.

  • In July, United Nations Humanitarian Air Services transported 816 passengers through 93 flights and transported 4190 kg of cargo for 97 registered organizations. An additional aircraft, a fixed-wing Twin Otter DHC-6-400 arrived at the Guy Malary Airport on 30 July to be operated starting from August.

  • The WFP contracted vessel (the Linda D) completed its fourth month of operation in Haiti. In July, the Linda D was off-hire for two weeks due to a mechanical issue. Due to this off-hire period and the insecurity prevailing in the ports area, only seven voyages took place in July, transporting 539 mt of humanitarian cargo and 66 trucks.
    As a result of tensions in the metropolitan area and the access constraint in and out of the capital controlled by armed gangs, maritime transport remains critical to reaching the provinces. In addition to the charter vessel, the country office signed in July a six-month contract with the local maritime transporter offering ro-ro service to the South.