In Numbers
115 mt of food assistance distributed*
USD 932,533 cash-based transfers made*
USD 104.1 six-month (February 2024 – July 2024) net funding requirements, representing 64 percent of the total
352,888 people assisted* in JANUARY 2024
*Preliminary numbers
Operational Updates
• In January, WFP supported 352,888 beneficiaries with over USD 932,533 in cash-based transfers and 115 mt.
• Through the school meal programme, WFP reached 267,253 school children with 115 mt of food. This includes 127,309 school children assisted through the home-grown school meals programme.
• As part of WFP's resilience activities, a total of USD 329,222 was distributed to the 2,949 participants and their family members (14,745 people) as part of the rehabilitation and construction of community assets.
• As part of its nutrition-specific activities embedded in emergency, resilience and social protection initiatives, WFP, with cooperating partners, screened 5,549 children. As a result, 137 children were found to be moderately malnourished, and 7 severely malnourished children under 5 were referred to functional health centers. In addition, 23,585 people participated in Social and Behavior Change Communication sensitization activities.
• Furthermore, WFP supported the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour in implementing the Adaptive Social Protection for Increased Resilience project (social protection), providing support to 16,021 people distributing USD 603,312.