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Volunteer cooperation program: Governance support in Haiti - Canada Corps

Planned Project Summary Information

Project number: HT-32619

Branch: Americas Branch

Country: Haiti

CIDA's ODA Priorities:

33% - 403 - Public sector competence

33% - 404 - Civil society's policy role

34% - 502 - Capacity, skills and productivity enhancement

CIDA's Sectors:

25% - 11110 - Education policy and administrative management

25% - 15040 - Government administration

25% - 15050 - Strengthening civil society

25% - 92030 - Support to local and regional NGO's

Project Approval Date: May 2005

Anticipated Project Duration: 3 years

Estimated Project Value: $7.9M

Project Implementation: Unsolicited Proposals Mechanism - Four NGOs - Consortium of four NGOs - Canadian Centre for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI), World University Service of Canada (WUSC), Paul Gérin-Lajoie Foundation (FPGL), Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO)

Competitive Contracts in the implementation of this project: Monitoring Agent Contract, for a maximum value of $150,000 - Probable date of publication of competitive process by Consulting and Audit Canada (CAC) - July 2005

Project Description: The goal of the project is to help reduce poverty in Haiti within the framework of the Millennium Development Goals, by improving the governance of key institutions in implementing Haiti's Interim Cooperation Framework (ICF).

The purpose of the project is to build the organizational and institutional capacities of key sectoral stakeholders to execute the Canada Corps Initiative (CCI) and to implement short- and medium-term sustainable development programs. The duration of the proposed project is three years. The number of Haitian partner organizations and institutions will vary, depending on the concentration and duration of the assignments of the voluntary experts involved. The project's promoters expect to mobilize the equivalent of 755 person-months (about 250 people) for the three years, for joint action in three of Haiti's nine departments. The planning mission, planned atthe beginning of the project, will validate the selection of Artibonite, the Western department, and a third department. The project may be active in other departments if opportunities arise and are feasible.

The project has three components:

1. political/economic governance and national dialogue;

2. economic recovery;

3. education.

Project Impact: The expected impact, based on the specific context of a difficult partnership, is defined as follows: "Civil-society organizations and government institutions are more likely to fulfil their roles and duties in an environment of poverty reduction and better governance".

Project Outcomes: On a medium-term basis, expected results are, generally, governance capacity building of partner organizations and institutions, and specifically:

1. Capacity building of the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MPCE) to coordinate CCI and development activities, especially in the three departments.

2. Organizational capacity building of civil society.

3. Capacity building of the Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport (MEJNS), centrally and in the three departments, to implement the National Education and Training Plan (PNEF) for basic education.

4. Capacity building of MEJNS, rectorates (University of Haiti, Quisquéya, and so on) and/or the Institut national de la formation professionnelle [national occupational training institute] in implementing PNEF in post-secondary education.

5. Capacity building of the private sector to modernize businesses, to engage in dialogue with the Government, to create jobs, and to revitalize the economy.

6. Participation in a better organized community framework and Canadian-Haitian organizations for the development of Haiti.

7. Greater participation of women in funded institutions and organizations. The list of partner organizations will be completed and validated during the planning mission.

Project Outputs: Expected short-term results are:

1. Volunteer experts are sent to Haiti, and recipients are sent to Canada, to build the governance capacities of key institutions in implementing CCI and sustainable development programs in the following key sectors: political governance and national dialogue, economic recovery, education.

2. Relevant, quality creation of partnerships and transfer of knowledge and know-how. Based on demand, the project may support partners in other sectors on a case-by-case basis, depending on opportunities and ability to meet demand. Note: Results in each sector will be defined during the planning mission, based on planned consultations with government institutions, civil-society organizations, and Canadian cooperation in the field.

Development Officer: Catherine Lapeyrie, 819-994-2028

Internet Publication Date: June 9, 2005

Last Update: N/A (First publication)