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Haiti + 1 more

UMCOR Hotline 28 Oct 2008: USA, Haiti



"We are better than okay in Houston, we are blessed . . . 'overblessed,'" wrote Burt Palmer, pastor of Bear Creek UMC, one week after Hurricane Ike made landfall. In spite of losing power from the storm, the church continued with its plan to open a shelter for evacuees and helped by providing food, laundry services, transportation and diapers in addition to housing.

Now that the emergency response to Ike is past, the focus is shifting to long term recovery from the third costliest hurricane in US history. The Texas and Louisiana Conferences are working with state agencies and faith-based groups to reach out to families who need assistance. UMCOR, in cooperation with its partners, is actively involved in the recovery process.

There is an urgent need for funds and flood buckets. Please help replenish the cleaning supplies contained in each flood bucket and view the contents here. You can also assist in recovery by giving to Hurricanes 2008, UMCOR Advance # 3019695.


After four storms battered La Gonave Island in Haiti for weeks, no food could get to the island for four weeks. In the words of Global Ministries volunteers, Joe and Shirley Edgerton, "20,000 people were hungrier than normal."

Through grants from UMCOR more than seven tons of food was distributed to 5,000 people in ten communities. According to Edgerton, "Along the road . . . people call out from the brush, children join us to walk a ways, all we meet greet us by name and touch our hands . . . a great celebration that says to 1,000 families on South La Gonave, the world knows they are here."

UMCOR is also helping Haiti with the delivery of health and school kits, potable water, stoves and building materials to help in recovery. You can support this work by giving generously to Haiti Emergency, UMCOR Advance #418325.