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UK support for logistics and disease prevention in HaitiFurther allocation of the UK Government's help for Haiti announced

Further allocation of the UK Government's help for Haiti was announced today.

=A32m GBP will go towards getting vital transport and communication networks moving, so that aid workers can help save more lives.

The =A32 million for logistical support will include funding for extra trucks, lorries and other vehicles to help get much-needed aid such as water, food and medical supplies where it is vitally needed.

It will also go on telecommunications networks, which will provide a lifeline for aid workers, doctors and nurses to help direct supplies and trained professionals to where they are desperately needed.

A further =A3300,000 will go on helping to prevent disease epidemics such as malaria and diarrhoea. The money will fund a programme to highlight disease hotspots and ensure treatment arrives promptly.

The UK government has already announced $10m for the international relief effort, including =A31m to the Red Cross for emergency shelter and medicines. The =A32.3m is part of this $10m.

This morning two UK Fire Service Urban Search and Rescue crews went back into the Carrefour area of Port-au-Prince to continue their search for survivors.

Some of the 64-strong UK search and rescue party last night pulled out a two-year-old girl called Mia, who was found trapped in a nursery school. and reunited her with her mother.


For further information please contact the DFID Press Office on 020 7023 0600