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Statement by the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Haiti of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations


United Nations, New York, 6 November 2019.

The Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Haiti of the ECOSOC held an extraordinary meeting on 31 October 2019 in light of the worsening economic crisis, deteriorating humanitarian situation, increasing insecurity, and ongoing political deadlock in the country. The Group was briefed by Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH), Helen La Lime, and the acting Deputy SRSG / Humanitarian Coordinator / Resident Coordinator, Fernando Hiraldo.

The Group recognizes that the Haitian crisis is multidimensional in nature and will only be resolved through the leadership and ownership of the Haitian people and through a political solution. Responsibility lies with Haiti’s democratically-elected officials to reach a compromise in accordance with legal procedures. The Group calls on all Haitian parties to reject violence and urgently commit to resolving political differences peacefully through dialogue. Only through a comprehensive, inclusive and constructive national dialogue will it be possible to quickly chart a way forward in order to successfully address the political, social, humanitarian and economic challenges faced by the country, rebuild trust and shape a common vision for the country’s long-term development. The Group recalls the need for and the primary responsibility of the Government of Haiti to address the longstanding drivers of instability and inequality in Haiti. The Group stresses that efforts towards an inclusive national dialogue should be complemented by measures to urgently help address the socio-economic and humanitarian needs of the most vulnerable sectors of the population.

The Group underscores that there cannot be lasting peace and stability without striving to achieve sustainable development and economic security for all Haitians.

The Group urges the international community to remain collectively engaged in support of Haiti. The Group expresses its grave concern at the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Haiti and stresses the importance of increased contributions from international partners to the Humanitarian Response Plan to ensure that the prevailing humanitarian and protection needs in the country are successfully and promptly met. The Group stresses the need to ensure safe and unhindered humanitarian access. The Group welcomes the progress made in the fight against the cholera epidemic but underlines the need for continued vigilance.

The Group expresses its appreciation for the efforts of the BINUH and calls on it to continue its political good offices role and its active pursuit of efforts to help resolve the situation and to ensure effective collaboration between all United Nations political, development, humanitarian and financial entities, as well as other local and international partners operating in Haiti.

The Group remains actively seized of the situation and will continue to monitor developments closely.


The Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Haiti is composed of Argentina, the Bahamas, Belize, Benin, Brazil, Canada (Chair), Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, France, Haiti, Mexico, Peru, Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, the United States of America and Uruguay to the United Nations and was initially formed in 1999. Its mandate is to follow closely and provide advice on the long-term development strategy of Haiti.