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Response to Earthquake in Haiti

January 15, 2010 (Haiti)

The GlobalMedic team crossed the border into Haiti this morning and is currently set up in Port-au-Prince at a university campus housing up to 30,000 displaced persons. Our medical team is working in a hospital and the water team has begun distributing water purification tablets. The team will be setting up an Inflatable Field Hospital in the coming days and deploying the water purification units.

Another shipment of Aquatabs, PUR and ORS has been delivered to Toronto's Pearson International Airport tonight to be shipped off to the team in Haiti.

January 14, 2010 (Dominican Republic)

The 5 member Rapid Response Team has arrived in the Dominican Republic and is currently making their way to the border of Haiti.

January 12, 2010 (Toronto)

GlobalMedic is deploying 5 members of its Rapid Response Team (RRT) to Haiti in response to the devastation caused by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake which struck 16 km outside the capital of Port-au-Prince on January 12, 2010. Thousands of people are currently feared dead or buried under rubble.

The team will focus on restoring access to clean drinking water through the provision of water purification units, as well as restoring medical infrastructure through the use of a 22ft X 42ft inflatable field hospital. RRT members will train local aid groups on the installation, operation and maintenance of all gear so that it may be operational as long as needed.

In September, 2008, GlobalMedic deployed a four person Rapid Response Team to areas in Haiti affected by a very destructive hurricane season. The RRT distributed and installed 10 Trekker Water Purification Units, 1 Explorer Water Purification Unit and 1 million Aquatab Water Purification Tablets in the towns of Cabaret, Jacmel, Meyer, Lafond, Amba Lavie, Anse D'hainault, Cavaillon. The Aquatabs purified 1 million litres of clean drinking water while the water purification units provided the capacity for 45,000 people to receive clean drinking water daily.

If you would like to make a donation specifit to this Haiti deployment you can do so by going to clicking here and going to You will have the option to choose where your donation goes to.