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Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (S/2014/162)


I. Introduction

  1. By its resolution 2119 (2013) of 10 October 2013, the Security Council extended the mandate of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) until 15 October 2014, and requested that I report on its implementation semi-annually and not later than 45 days prior to its expiration. The present report covers major developments from the issuance of my report of 20 August 2013 to 10 March 2014 (S/2013/493) and outlines activities undertaken by the Mission in line with its mandate under Security Council resolutions 1542 (2004), 1608 (2005), 1702 (2006), 1743 (2007), 1780 (2007), 1840 (2008), 1892 (2009), 1908 (2010), 1927 (2010), 1944 (2010), 2012 (2011), 2070 (2012) and 2119 (2013).