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Report of the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Haiti (E/2020/66)


2020 session
25 July 2019–22 July 2020
Agenda item 12 (d)
Coordination, programme and other questions: long-term programme of support for Haiti


The present report is submitted pursuant to Economic and Social Council resolution 2019/32, by which the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Haiti was requested to submit a report on its work, with recommendations, as appropriate, to the Economic and Social Council for its consideration at its 2020 session. The report highlights the main findings of the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Haiti following its visit to Washington, D.C., in March 2020, during which members held discussions with representatives of international financial institutions and civil society. It also highlights findings from the Group’s virtual discussions with national authorities, as well as with representatives of the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti and the United Nations country team. Given the travel restrictions related to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, the Group did not travel to Haiti during the reporting period.

The Group acknowledges that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to deepen the multidimensional crisis facing the country, possibly reversing the development and security gains of the past 15 years and exacerbating social and political tensions. The Group stresses that this unprecedented health, humanitarian and socioeconomic crisis requires unity of effort, with all appropriate actors coming together across the political spectrum and working with a variety of stakeholders to ensure that it is succe ssfully addressed.

The Group underscores that the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development remains the guiding framework to help effectively tackle COVID-19 as well as support Haiti on the path to long-term development, as only the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals can help countries mitigate the impacts of the pandemic and become more resilient to future shocks and crises. The Group calls for continuous solidarity, engagement and well-coordinated and coherent support by the international community, including the United Nations, to help the Government of Haiti successfully manage the COVID-19 crisis and accelerate efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals during the decade of action.

The Group is preoccupied with the worsening of the humanitarian situation, as half the country’s population currently requires humanitarian aid, with 4.1 million people alone needing urgent food assistance. The Group stresses the importance of ensuring adequate resources for the humanitarian response so that aid organizations can successfully stay and deliver life-saving assistance.