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Remembering the Victims, Building for the Future

On the second anniversary of the devastating Haiti earthquake CHF International would like to take a moment to remember and commemorate the losses on that tragic day. Since the earthquake, substantial progress has been made, but significant challenges remain. CHF is committed to helping the Haitian people rebuild their country, not just to recover from the earthquake but to address the development challenges that the country faced before the earthquake struck. Our thoughts are with our partners and friends in Haiti as we work together towards a better future. Since the earthquake, we have:

  • Removed nearly 800,000 cubic meters of rubble from vital roads, canals, schools, public buildings and working in coordination with shelter builders to clear sites for housing

  • Built approximately 6,000 shelter solutions, housing over 30,000 displaced people

  • Employed more than 20,000 in cash for work and cash for production programs

Before and after the earthquake, our USAID-funded KATA program that ran from 2006-2011 completed 237 community infrastructure and job-creation projects, employing over 120,000 Haitians in short term work building and rehabilitating dozens of schools, roads, bridges and agricultural infrastructure; and putting nearly 5,000 Haitians through workforce training in construction and garment production.

In 2012, CHF continues to address the vital needs of the Haitian people, through neighborhood reconstruction projects and rubble removal.

For more information click any of the links above and below.

View videos of our work:

Rubble recycling turns garbage into material that can be repurposed in new construction projects.

The KATYE program is working with citizens of Ravine-Pintade in downtown Port au Prince to comprehensively rebuild.

Rubble removal initiatives provide a clear space where shelters, infrastructure and essential services can be rebuilt.

To learn more about our work in Haiti since 2006, please click here.

For more information about the broader international NGO effort in Haiti please visit the InterAction website