Under current plans, there will not be enough housing solutions by the end of the year to resolve Haiti's displacement crisis, says IOM.
The problem is particularly acute in the metropolitan area, with limited space and uncertainty over land ownership.
"Hundreds of thousands of Haitians are likely still to be living in displacement camps by the end of 2011," Luca Dall'Oglio, IOM Haiti's Chief of Mission warned.
Numbers of displaced people living in camps had fallen from an estimated high of 1.5 million in July 2010 to 810,000 in January 2011. However, after a year of storms, cholera and political unrest, those remaining in camps are the most vulnerable of Haiti's earthquake victims, with no alternative but to stay where they are.
"Furthermore, many of those who have already left camps may not have found a lasting housing solution, living instead with friends and family, or in tents in their neighbourhoods," Dall'Oglio added.
The warning comes as many partner agencies of IOM working on camp management are phasing out their operations. Facing increasing cost constraints and funding shortfalls, their departure is leading to a growing gap in capacity to provide services for those remaining in camps.
"As Haiti will continue to face a significant homelessness crisis for some time to come, IOM and partners are focusing efforts on returning people from camps to communities and maintaining the necessary systems to look after those left behind," says Giovanni Cassani, IOM Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) cluster coordinator.
Complicating the situation is a rising tide of camp evictions by private landowners. More than half of the displaced are living in camps established on private land with at least 99 of Haiti's 1152 camps currently under threat of eviction.
Primary responsibility for managing the evictions process lies with the Haitian government, but international agencies are being asked to help mediate and manage disputes.
"If people are forced to move without a proper housing solution, they often have no choice but to move to areas that are insecure or unsafe - living in structurally unsound buildings or in areas at risk of landslides and flooding," said Sara Ribeiro, IOM protection officer in Haiti.
Speeding up the repair and rebuilding of neighbourhoods along with finding more tailor-made solutions for individual families could go a long way to mitigating the situation. However, shrinking funds and waning interest means the plight of Haiti's displaced will be long-term.
For further information please contact: Leonard Doyle, IOM Haiti, ldoyle@iom.int Tel: +509 3702 5066 or go to www.cccmhaiti.org