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Merlin Emergency Response Team on the ground in Haiti

Merlin's specialist Emergency Response Team arrived in Haiti on Saturday, and have immediately set to work identifying the most pressing medical needs and coordinating with those on the ground to make sure our response is as effective as possible.

Our logistics team has already procured 4,800kg of surgical equipment for a tented surgical hospital, containing everything from the drugs to the team's rations to the micro-surgery instruments, and this will also arrive on the ground shortly.

Merlin aid worker Alex Cottin says:

"Our response is now in full swing. We are meeting with local partners and as well as setting up first aid treatment and a surgical operation to treat as many people as possible as quickly as possible."

With up to two million people in need of emergency relief, five of Merlin's medical emergency experts have already arrived in country, with a further 11 due to arrive tomorrow allowing us to ramp up our operation to meet the massive needs.

Paula Sansom, Merlin's Response Team Coordinator, says:

"We are particularly concerned about vulnerable people living in the slum areas of the city who are more exposed to disease in the aftermath of the earthquake."

With millions of people affected by the earthquake, your support is desperately needed to help us reach as many Haitians as possible. Donate now to ensure our team of experts can save as many lives as possible.

Support the Disasters Emergency Committee Haiti Appeal