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Meeting needs in earthquake-ravaged Haiti

Untold numbers of people have died. Tens of thousands have been injured or left homeless. Tuesday's 7.0 earthquake in Haiti decimated the country.

"I heard screams for help from everywhere," said Kevin Rose, Convoy of Hope's country director for Haiti, describing the hours after the earthquake hit. "I am seeing many dead and injured people. The need is beyond description."

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On Tuesday night dozens of injured people made it to the medical clinic at the mission where Convoy of Hope has its warehouse. By morning four of those injured were dead.

As the world looks on and aid teams are deployed to the island nation, Convoy of Hope is already setting up an emergency command center just outside Port-au-Prince where food, water and supplies are being distributed to victims of the earthquake.

"This is a major disaster that will affect the lives of countless families for years to come," says Hal Donaldson, founder and president of Convoy of Hope. "Thankfully, our warehouse in Haiti was full so we could begin responding immediately. More containers are being staged for shipment and filled with more food, water and supplies in our world distribution center in Springfield, Mo."

According to Rose, besides food and water there is an urgent need for tarps, tents, medical supplies and medicine too.

Your gift can be put to work immediately helping the victims of this tragic earthquake.

"Timing is critical," says Greg Venturella, senior director international operations for Convoy of Hope. "Food, medical supplies and water are scarce."

Tomorrow, Venturella and Kary Kingsland, vice president disaster response, will lead teams into the region. Venturella will pick up medical supplies from a partner organization in the Dominican Republic then continue on into Haiti where the relief supplies will be distributed at Convoy of Hope's distribution point.

Because of the extent of damage and estimated loss of life, Convoy of Hope has already committed to long-term relief efforts in Haiti, which is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Many of its nearly 10 million residents live in abject poverty.

Already, Convoy of Hope feeds more than 7,000 Haitian children each day.

"We need the help of our friends and supporters to meet short and the long-term needs in Haiti," says Donaldson. "Convoy of Hope is committed to helping hurting families rebuild their lives."

Donate online now to help a family in Haiti.