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Massive Earthquake Hits Haiti

All MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) missionary staff in Haiti are uninjured following a devastating earthquake that measured 7.0 on the Richter scale.

"We are grateful to God for his protection of our missionary staff," said John Boyd, MAF president and CEO. "We do not yet know the status of our Haitian staff members, and ask for your prayers for all the people of Haiti during this time of great sorrow."

Thousands of people are believed to be dead, and tens of thousands may have lost their homes. Much of the infrastructure in Haiti has been damaged, making travel and communication difficult. Food is in short supply.

MAF has served the missionary community and the people of Haiti since 1986. Seven MAF missionary families and seven Haitian staff members with three aircraft fly to 16 remote airstrips from a base of operations in Port-au-Prince. Government aid agencies, non-profit disaster relief organizations and others traditionally look to MAF for substantial assistance.

According to initial reports, some MAF homes may have sustained damage. MAF personnel have not been able to assess any damage that may have occurred to the ministry facilities at the airport.

To respond, MAF has set up the Haiti Disaster and Recovery Fund. To make your gift, click here. MAF expects to work with other relief agencies as they begin providing disaster assistance.

More information will be posted as it becomes available.