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Joint press release of the MPCE and the United Nations system in Haiti: The Government of Haiti and the UN reinforce their partnership during the review of the Development Assistance Framework in support of national priorities


  • The Ministry of Planning coordinates the progress review of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework 2017-2021 with the participation of national authorities, experts from different ministries and civil-society representatives

  • The exercise takes place in the context of the transition towards a non-peacekeeping presence of the United Nations in Haiti

Port-au-Prince, 19 April 2018 — The Government and the United Nations system in Haiti organized today the progress review of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2017-2021, which guides the partnership between Haiti and the UN in support of the national development priorities. This initiative takes place under the umbrella of Haiti´s strategic objective to become an emergent country by 2030 and to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) signed by 193 countries.

Under the leadership of the Ministry of Planning and External Cooperation (MPCE), this review aims at guaranteeing a continuous dialogue of the United Nations with the national authorities, analyzing the progress and ensuring the alignment with the national priorities reflected in Haiti’s Strategic Development Plan (PSDH) and the priorities of the President of the Republic and the Government of Haiti. This process of dialogue was enriched with the participation of national authorities, specialists from different ministries and civil society, paying special attention to the voices of youth and vulnerable groups, in order to leave no one behind. The encounter did also permit to take into account in the United Nations joint work plans MINUJUSTH’s activities in support of the reinforcement of the Rule of Law, in the context of the transition towards a non-peacekeeping presence of the UN in Haiti.

The UNDAF 2017-2021 was signed on 30 June 2017 by the Government of Haiti and the United Nations. This framework is being operationalized through the Joint Work Plans 2017-2018 for each of the five priority pillars: poverty reduction and employment, social services, resilience, gender equality/protection and governance.

This partnership between the UN and Haiti, founder member of the United Nations, recognizes the leadership and responsibility of the Haitian institutions and population as the main actors to advance their own development. Consequently, the capacity development of the state structures and civil society are a priority for this development assistance framework 2017-2021, which is based on the gains achieved over the last years in terms of stability, development and humanitarian response.

During the opening remarks, the Minister a.i. of Planning and External Cooperation, Dr. Marie Gréta Roy Clément, highlighted that this collaboration between the United Nations and the Government is being concretized today through the first review of the UNDAF with the participation of UN entities, representatives from the ministries, civil society and private sector. This is a guarantee for a better coherence of the UN interventions through the UNDAF and its joint work plans, asserted the minister Roy Clément. The elaboration of the joint work plans, as well as the integration of focal points from the MPCE and the sectors in the outcome groups, are important tools and mechanisms for the implementation of the UNDAF 2017-2021, concluded the minister.

For its part, the Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary General, Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator in Haiti, Dr. Mamadou Diallo, underlined that the UN family in Haiti (including 19 agencies, funds and programs and the MINUJUSTH) is standing side by side with Haiti in a context that offers an opportunity to advance towards sustainable development. “ The progress made by Haiti in terms of stability, as well as the current transition towards a non-peacekeeping presence of the UN, constitute a window of opportunity to advance towards Haiti’s objective to become an emergent country by 2030 ”. “ The United Nations have many reasons to be grateful to Haiti, founder member of the UN, and signatory of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and we remain engaged to accompany Haiti to achieve its national development priorities ”.

For additional information, please contact : Mitchell Bernard, Ministère de la Planification et de la Coopération Externe (MPCE) Coordinateur de l’Unité de Technologie de l’Information, Communication et Documentation tel. +509 3441 05 37.

José Ignacio Martín Galán, Bureau du DSRSG/RC/HC et secrétaire du Groupe de Communication des Nations Unies, tel. +509 310 312 75