This morning, the national meteorological center indicated that Hurricane OMAR, a category three hurricane, was located 300 kilometers North-West of the Leeward Islands. Haiti is no longer under any threat from this hurricane. However, several cells may break away from the system and cause some showers over the region this evening. Populations living in areas at risk must comply with the security advisory instructions in case of bad weather.
On 16 October, WFP Haiti celebrated World Food Day at a televised debate organized at the Ministry of Agriculture with the Minister of Agriculture and representatives of FAO, the National Coordination for Food Security and the National Meteorology Centre. Development strategies and agricultural issues were discussed, along with the emergency operations.
Update on relief efforts:
Shelter and Non-Food Items: Results of the Rapid Shelter Assessment (RSA) undertaken from 5 to 9 October by 27 joint teams from CCPC, COUC, DPC, GTABB, KPSL-Kayon, KPSL Senty Bienac and IOM reveal noteworthy information to implement the action framework on Gonaïves city and surrounding "sections communales". The RSA indicates that out of 151 shelters, 37 are empty; a significant decrease of 3, 449 families as of 20 September.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH): The WASH strategy for Haiti now has an estimated budget of USD 4,045,000. Current pledged WASH funds are estimated at 1,400,000 indicating a WASH funding gap of approximately USD 3,045,000. The national inventory on water systems continues, and will soon be finalized. A second inventory to look at damage to sanitation infrastructure will soon begin.
Food: As of 16 October, WFP has distributed 4,877 metric tons of food items to 513,144 direct beneficiaries including 266,670 persons from Gonaives. A regular food convoy was sent by road to Gonaives with a cargo of 120MT today.
Post Disaster Needs Assessment: The Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) is currently underway, carried out by the Government of Haiti, the World Bank and the UN system. BCPR/UNDP has fielded a PDNA Support Team, and representatives from ILO, UNOSAT and UNEP have also deployed experts to support existing capacity on the ground.
Tomorrow, cluster leads will meet under the chairmanship of the Humanitarian Coordinator and present their strategies and programs for the coming months, within the framework of the PDNA.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.