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Haiti Periodic Monitoring Report (January - December 2014)



Key achievements toward Strategic Objectives

• From January to December 2014, 45,088 IDPs (14,193 families) were relocated from IDP camps to neighborhoods thanks to rental subsidy programs. 163 IDP sites were closed as a result.

• As of December 2014, there was a 53% reduction in the number of cholera cases compared to the same period last year.

• 53% of nutritional coverage provided in areas most affected by severe acute malnutrition.

• Ten contingency plans (one national, 9 departmental) were updated ahead of the cyclone season and a national simulation exercise took place on 12-13 August, involving 8 operational centers throughout the country.

• Floods resulting from heavy rains in November 2014 affected an estimated 22,000 families, especially in the North Department. Distribution of emergency kits and food was organized by humanitarian partners under the coordination of the Directorate of Civil Protection. WFP assisted 183,590 beneficiaries with food rations.


• As of December 2014, 62,637 IDP individuals remained outside any return or relocation program.

• 5,939 displaced families (a total of 22,810 individuals) living in 21 camps are considered at risk of forced evictions.

• An estimated 605,000 people face severe food insecurity: 165,000 people are affected by acute severe food insecurity and 440,000 Haitiansby chronic severe food insecurity.

• One out of two Haitians does not have access to adequate sanitation systems. In rural areas, only 18% of Haitians have access to improved sanitation.

• The number of suspected cases of cholera in 2014 reached 27,750, exceeding the revised projections for the year (15,000 cases).

• External support to the national system of disaster risk management needs to be sustained given the extreme exposure of the country to multiple hazards.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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