A projection update analysis was conducted in Haiti in February 2022 to update the IPC Acute Food Insecurity projection originally released in September 2021, on the basis that new data was available, as well as the need to follow up on the acute food insecurity situation in areas affected by the August 2021 earthquake. According to this update, for the period from March to June 2022, 1.32 million people (13% of the population analysed) are classified in Emergency (IPC Phase 4) and 3.18 million people (32%) in Crisis (IPC Phase 3), or 4.5 million people (45%) in need of urgent assistance in total.
With the exception of the South-HT08 zone, whose classification has been updated from IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) to IPC Phase 4 (Emergency), the update confirms a slight improvement or stable situation in all other areas affected by the last major earthquake in August 2021 and/or flooding caused by Hurricane Grace. Humanitarian assistance is a key component that has prevented any deterioration in the food security situation. However, SouthHT08 zone has received very little assistance (16%), compared to other areas, which is why the situation has worsened there.
Overall, four areas are classified in IPC Phase 4 (Emergency), including the coastal part of the South Department (South HT08), the lower North-West (North-West HT01) and the high plateau (Center HT03) as well as the poor and very poor neighborhoods of Cité Soleil. The rest of the country continues to be classified in Crisis (IPC Phase 3).
In addition, flooding which took place on January 30-31, 2022 has had a negative impact on the following communes: North - Limonade, Plaine du Nord, Quartier Morin and Bahon; North-East - Terrier Rouge, Ferrier and Fort Liberté; Nippes HT07 – Baradères and Grand Boucan.