• One year after the expiration of PNRE, about 120,000 people have already arrived in Haiti from Dominican Republic, according to the data collected by IOM;
• Over 150,000 people benefited from cholera response programs implemented by the United Nations over the past two months;
• Between March and June 2016, return programs have helped relocate some 1,400 displaced persons; there are still approximately 61 000 people living in 33 IDP sites;
• Humanitarian actors have strengthened food aid programs to address food insecurity that has hit about 1.6 million people.
Bi-national crisis: one year later, the situation of returnees and deportees remains worrying
Since June 2015, an increasing number of migrants have been deported or have voluntarily returned to Haiti from DR. IOM interviewed more than 120,000 people on a voluntary basis.
Since the deadline to register under the national plan for regularization of foreigners (PNRE) of Dominican Republic ended in June 2015, many foreigners living in the country, especially thousands of Haitian and Dominicans of hatian decent found themselves in irregular situation and virtually with no rights. Immediately thousands of people started to arrive in Haiti, some through expulsion or deportation, others more or less on voluntary or spontaneous returns.
Faced with this influx, the Government of Haiti, with the support of humanitarian partners, have developed an Inter-agency contingency plan in May 2015 to assist and support between 20,000 and 30,000 returned people. This plan helped meet the needs of first returned people by making available a small returning kit and a basic recording mechanism and support to arrive to their areas of origin.
The monitoring of the border and data collection, still a challenge
A border monitoring began immediately after the start of the crisis under the leadership of IOM and with the financial support of OCHA and USAID. The data collected through this mechanism are the most reliable on this issue so far. But it is important to note that this mechanism only covers a portion of those arriving from the Dominican Republic because the interviews are made on a voluntary basis. Other actors such as “Groupe d’Appui aux Rapatriés et Réfugiés” (GARR) and the Jesuit Service for Migrants (SJM) complete the monitoring device and play an important role in the registration of returnees in several official and unofficial entry points at the border. In addition, the low capacity of state services at the border did not allow this monitoring work, which has been done for over a year by humanitarian actors, to be systematically integrated into national systems.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.