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Haiti: Food Assistance Fact Sheet - December 15, 2017



  • Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Three quarters of the population lives on less than $2 per day, making Haiti extremely vulnerable to price spikes in the global food market as well as natural disasters.

  • Haiti remains susceptible to environmental shocks, such as Hurricane Matthew in October 2016 and Hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017, whose impacts continue to drive food insecurity across the country.

  • In localized areas of Nord and Nord-Est departments, flooding and crop damage caused by Hurricanes Irma and Maria have resulted in Crisis (IPC 3)* levels of acute food insecurity, according to the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET). While some communities are anticipated to recover from February onward, other areas of these districts will likely face Crisis levels through May.

  • From February onward, anticipated below-average crop production in the Sud District is expected to impede Hurricane Matthew recovery and result in Crisis levels of food insecurity through May, FEWS NET reports.

  • Elsewhere, average seasonal crop production and availability of livelihood opportunities have resulted in Minimal (IPC 1) or Stressed (IPC 2) levels of food insecurity.


  • In response to Hurricane Matthew, USAID’s Office of Food for Peace (FFP) partnered with non-governmental organizations and the UN World Food Program (WFP) to provide life-saving emergency food assistance to hurricane-affected communities across the country. This assistance—including U.S. in-kind food aid, locally procured food aid, cash transfers for food, cash-for-work activities and agricultural inputs—has reached more than one million people in Haiti.

  • FFP and USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) jointly support Catholic Relief Services (CRS) to improve the capacity of 40 Haitian community-based and faith-based organizations to more effectively respond to emergencies.

  • FFP partners with CARE and the Government of Haiti to develop a social safety net program that improves vulnerable household access to locally produced, nutritious foods. Aimed at both boosting food security and reducing malnutrition, this multi-year development program provides 18,150 households with monthly food vouchers and 205,000 households with maternal and child health and nutrition services. $62.3 million 14,143 MT $39.6 million 4,230 MT $17.3 million 3,770 MT HAITI Updated December 15, 2017 * The Integrated Phase Classification (IPC) is a standardized tool that aims to classify the severity and magnitude of food insecurity. The IPC scale, which is comparable across countries, ranges from Minimal (IPC I) to Famine (IPC 5).