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Haiti: Earthquake Situation Report #4


This report was issued by OCHA New York. The next report will be issued on or around 16 January 2010.


- Logistics and the lack of transport remain the key constraints to the delivery of aid. Needs are still being identified as access becomes possible and as assessments begin to take place.

- Displaced populations are currently scattered across multiple locations where there is open space. Temporary shelters urgently need to be established.

- Fifteen sites have been identified for distribution of relief items. WFP reached 13,000 people today with food, jerry cans and water purification tablets (provided by IOM).

- 26 search-and-rescue teams are on the ground and deployed to priority sites. No additional urban search-and-rescue teams should be deployed at this stage.

- A Flash Appeal for US$562 million was launched in New York today to cover 3 million people for six months.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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