Following the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that struck southwest Haiti on the morning of 14 August 2021, the Global ETC has been coordinating with its partners globally and on the ground to assess and respond to the ICT needs for the response. While clusters are not activated, national sectors, including the Emergency Telecommunications Sector (ETS), are supporting the government response efforts.
• The ETS has established a radio network for security communications in Jérémie with support from Ericsson Response, and WFP with equipment supplied by UNDSS and the Haitian National Disaster Unit (COUD) in Les Cayes department. The ETS is now providing radio security communications in two locations, including the VHF network already established in Les Cayes.
• The ETS has submitted a request for a short-term deployment of a standby partner emergency telecommunications resource aimed at supporting the improvement of security communications and providing user training on radio and satellite equipment to NGOs.
• ETS partner has installed a VSAT antenna at the temporary hospital under implementation by the EU/Norwegian team in L’Asile in the department of Les Nippes and has performed maintenance of the GATR VSAT serving the French Civil Protection water-purification team in Cavaillon.