The situation is still chaotic, with transport and communications links so badly damaged that delivering aid is a serious challenge - but ActionAid staff are working round the clock to get help to those who need it most.
As the operation gears up, staff in Haiti have been joined by emergency specialists from the UK, Brazil and Guatemala.
They'll bring much needed assistance to a team who have had to dig their own families out of the rubble of Port-au-Prince, who have been sleeping on the streets because their homes have been destroyed and are organising ActionAid's relief effort at the same time.
The team were given a huge boost with the news that ActionAid's own appeal is already approaching £500,000 after just four days.
But as the scale of the disaster unfolds - the UN says it is the worst disaster they have ever faced - it's clear that more will be needed.
We are currently identifying those who need shelter, food and water - including children sponsored by ActionAid supporters - and we'll rush supplies to them as soon as they arrive.
We are sending extra emergency staff to the area to help deliver shelter, food, blankets, soap and sanitary kits for women. We will initially be trying to reach 20,000 people. ActionAid will prioritise vulnerable women, children, the elderly and people with disabilities.
ActionAid's response
ActionAid has a long-established programme in Haiti. We haver been working there since 1996 and currently work with more than 30,000 people annually.
Our staff is already there working with communities and helping the poorest and most vulnerable people.
ActionAid is initially planning to distribute food, shelter and essential goods like soap and blankets to around 20,000 people. In the longer term ActionAid will work in partnership with Haitian organizations to rebuild the houses of poor men and women and their livelihoods.
We will also continue our work with communities as they rebuild their lives by restoring livelihoods and helping people recover from the trauma of the earthquake.
£10 could help provide water to 25 families for a day
£36 could help supply a kit of vital supplies to a family who have lost everything
£50 could help provide temporary shelter for a whole family
£200 could help organise psychosocial support to 50 families for a month
£300 could help organise specific care and support to 50 vulnerable families (particularly those headed by women) for a month