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Haiti: Direct Relief's programme activities update Jun 2006

Recipient: Archeveche du Cap Haitien
Shipment Number: 5152
Shipment Date: 6/16/2006
Value: $354,479

Of all the Latin American and Caribbean countries, Haiti has the highest proportion of its population living in abject poverty and, according to the UN Human Development Report; it is considered the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. Many of Haiti's cities lack public sewers and are without proper waste disposal systems, conditions which lead to the pollution of many of the country's water sources, even those supplying the large capital city of Port au Prince. One half of all deaths in the country occur in the first five years of life due to diarrhea, respiratory infection, and malnutrition. In partnership with Food for the Poor, Direct Relief provided large quantities of antibiotics, analgesics, dermatological preparations, and personal care products to be distributed to charitable healthcare facilities located throughout the country.

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Recipient: Food For the Poor
Shipment Number: 5212
Shipment Date: 6/29/2006
Value: $390,366

Arcachon Hospital in Port-Au-Prince is an 80-bed facility operated by Food for the Poor. The always-full hospital performs inpatient care, surgical procedures, laboratory testing, maternal and pediatric care, ophthalmologic services and tuberculosis management. There is also an outpatient clinic adjoined to the hospital which sees 200 people per day. Food for the Poor in Haiti runs an expansive program supporting Arcachon Hospital, 20 affiliate clinics and 8 special outreach projects including orphanages and elderly homes. Food for the Poor feeds 2,500 families per day right out of their warehouse kitchen. Direct Relief has been sending assistance to Food for the Poor in Haiti for six years aiming to send a container every other month to this impoverished nation. This recent shipment contained cough suppressants, children's antibiotics, pain relievers, and personal hygiene items for the residential care facilities and dental program.

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Recipient: Hospital Justinien
Shipment Number: 5153
Shipment Date: 6/16/2006
Value: $445,958

The 300-bed Justinien Hospital is a public, regional health center located in Haiti's second largest city, Cap-Haitien, and it serves the entire northern sector of the country. This area was heavily impacted by a series of hurricanes and tropical storms which lashed across Haiti in 2005, and yet another hurricane season is here. With chronically low stocks of much-needed medicines even in non-emergency times, the Justinien

Hospital's capacity to provide adequate health care to its patients, and to the displaced people who may come to their doors seeking medical assistance as a result of this years storms, is severely limited.

Direct Relief's assistance to the Justinien Hospital consisted of antibiotics, analgesics, nutritional supplements, and personal care materials, all of which will be used to replenish depleted stocks and to provide the materials needed to administer to the needs of some of the world's poorest people. With nearly 80 percent of its population of eight million living in abject poverty, Haiti is considered to be the least developed country in the Western Hemisphere by the UN Human Development Report. Generous contributions to this shipment came from FSC Laboratories, Inc., Hogil Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and Mylan Laboratories Inc.