A. Situation analysis
Description of the disaster
Haiti has continuously faced social unrest since July 2018 with mobilization of demonstrations against the increased cost of petrol products, the high cost of living and corruption allegations. The events of February 2019, known as Operation “Pays Lock”, resulted in a complete paralysis of the country’s economy for 15 days.
Since 16 September 2019, almost daily protests have taken place in Port-au-Prince and surrounding provinces. Fuel shortages have sparked riots and have led to interrupted water supplies, while people have struggled to find fuel for their generators, stoves, and vehicles. Blockages have affected water supply and access to medical services and supplies.
Haitians titled the demonstration on Friday, October 4th "Mobilizasyon san Limit," or "Unlimited Mobilization". Since then, many humanitarian organizations have had to postpone their operations, including World Food Program (WFP), due to security concerns and lack of fuel. Since this date, protest and blockage have been nearly continuous, with just a few calm days in between. At least 17 people have died and nearly 189 have been injured in the recent protests.
Different groups call for continued protest and a national mobilization for 17 October 2019 during the Dessaline Day and beyond.
The current round of protests has led to a close to complete paralysis of the economy of the country for the past four weeks, making it the longest since the beginning of the events in July 2018.
The security situation in the country has continued to deteriorate during September and early October, provoking the closing of hospitals, schools, humanitarian organizations, government institutions, embassies and businesses. Insecurity during the day has continued to increase, with groups ransoming people in the barricades.