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Haiti: Cholera figures (July 2016)


From January to July 2016, health authorities have reported an increase of 32 percent on the number of new deaths and 22 percent in the number of suspected cases compared to the same period of 2015. These results are due to the reduction of funding available for cholera response projects that forced the actors to reduce the human resources as well rapid response mobile teams active in the field. As of 30 July, the cholera component of the HRP is funded at 39 percent (8 million dollars) of the 20.3 million dollars requested for the emergency response in 2016 . It is urgent to increase the funding of cholera response projects in order to reverse the growing tendency of the number of cases. The number of cholera cases may reach 50,000 until the end of the year in case the tendency continues.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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