The 12 January 2010 earthquake
• 200,000 people dead
• 2.3 million homeless
• 105,000 houses destroyed; 208,164 houses badly damaged
• 1,550,000 people internally displaced and gathered in 1,555 spontaneous camps
• 600,000 people left quake-affected areas for other parts of the country
The current internally displaced population
• 146,573 (about 39,464 families) living in 271 camps (as of 10 January 2013,
International Organization for Migration (IOM) figures). This figure does not include the 52,926 people estimated to be living in the settlements of Canaan (31,156),
Jerusalem (21,745) and Onaville (11,477) [IOM figures as of 30 September 2013].
Many of the people living in these settlements are internally displaced persons (IDPs).
Forced evictions
• 16,118 families have been evicted from 178 camps (July 2010 - December 2013,
IOM figures).
• 4.45% of IDP households have been evicted or 11.38% of IDP camps closed following a forced eviction (IOM, September 2013)
• Approximately 78,000 individuals (about 53% of the total number of IDPs currently living in camps) still under threat of eviction (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - OCHA, December 2013).