Five years after the devastating 2010 earthquake, Haiti has transitioned to a period of long-term development. With the help of the international community, Haiti has made significant advances. The U.S. post-earthquake strategy for Haiti focuses on four sector pillars designed to catalyze economic growth and build long-term stability. Carried out by a range of U.S. departments and agencies, including the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and others, the strategy is designed to be flexible to maximize areas of success and adjust to new challenges. U.S. assistance to Haiti is having a measurable impact in Haiti’s transition: 328,000 earthquake-displaced Haitians were sheltered; 70,000 Haitian farmers are enjoying increased crop yields and higher incomes; 3,300 new Haitian National Police officers were trained and commissioned; some 5,000 jobs were created so far at the Caracol Industrial Park with more projected as the facility expands, and; almost half of all Haitians can access basic health services U.S.-supported facilities. Much more remains to be done, and the country’s reconstruction and development will continue for many years. The following highlights key accomplishments to date in each of the four pillars of U.S. assistance, outlines course adjustments made, and provides an overview of total U.S. post-earthquake funding to Haiti.
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