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Evaluation of OCHA Response to the Haiti Earthquake


Executive Summary

The devastating Haiti earthquake struck the capital and nerve centre of the country destroying much of the capital city, including critical government infrastructure, and left over two hundred thirty thousand dead, including scores of government and UN officials. The humanitarian response had to evolve in a situation of destruction, chaos and severely damaged capacity of critical players who would normally be expected to lead humanitarian response. To this extent, it can be said that Haiti has been an exceptional disaster, unlike any other disaster in recent humanitarian history.

The international humanitarian community launched a massive response, and OCHA declared Haiti earthquake a 'corporate emergency' and deployed significant resources to support the response.

This evaluation was commissioned in line with OCHA's Evaluation Strategy for 2010-2013, which calls for an evaluation of every declared corporate emergency response. The evaluation was carried out between August and September 2010, and examined OCHA's response policies, structures and processes and their overall effectiveness in execution of OCHA's core coordination functions.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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