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Emergency Operations Center Situation Report #1- Haiti Earthquake


For public distribution
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
6:00 PM, EDT

One day after a devastating earthquake struck Haiti, information is still difficult to obtain. The PAHO/WHO office in Haiti has been unable to communicate with national health authorities and UN colleagues. For the time being, information is being coordinated through the PAHO/WHO Emergency Operations Center in Washington. On the ground, the past 24 hours have been dedicated to search and rescue and immediate lifesaving activities.


A 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti on Tuesday afternoon, January 12, 2010, close to the nation's capital of Port-au-Prince. The quake was felt in the Dominican Republic and as far away as Jamaica.

Reports indicate a significant loss of life; there are no official numbers at this time but the Haitian President has estimated 100,000 people dead or missing.

Impact on health facilities:

o Several hospitals and health centers have collapsed in the city

- The UN clinic at the Christopher Hotel collapsed

- Martissant emergency room/centre (slum in Port au Prince, MSF managed) is damaged and unstable. All patients evacuated and relocated to tents in the ground. MSF staff have been dealing with a flow of casualties from the town.

- Solidarité maternity hospital, MSF-managed, severely damaged

- Trinité trauma centre (60 beds) MSF-managed, severely damaged

- HUEH ( University Hospital) damaged

- New hospital on Delmas damaged

- Eliazard Germain hospital (Petionville) damaged

- Petits freres et soeurs (Port au Prince) damaged

o Two hospitals were also damaged in the Dominican Republic, in Barahona and Santiago.

o The Argentine military hospital that had been serving MINUSTAH personnel is being augmented by two surgical teams and supplies provided by the Government of Argentina (White Helmets).

The airport is currently not in service. A temporary health facility has been established there to provide care.

Roads in Port-au-Prince are extremely difficult to navigate due to rubble and large amounts of people. Roads from the border with the Dominican Republic to the Port-au-Prince appear to be open.

MINUSTAH (UN Security building) has collapsed causing a loss of life.