Brussels, 7.5.2014
C(2014) 3129 final
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Council Decision 2013/759/EU of 12 December 2013 regarding transitional EDF management measures from 1 January 2014 until the entry into force of the 11th European Development Fund1 , ('Bridging Facility'), and in particular Article 2 thereof,
Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 617/2007 of 14 May 2007 on the implementation of the 10th European Development Fund under the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement2 , and in particular Articles 5.4 and 8 thereof;
(1) In January 2010, an earthquake destroyed the capital city of Port-au-Prince and the areas around the epicentre, causing 222 750 deaths and injuring 300 000 people.
(2) As a consequence, 1.5 million people were internally displaced, 313 000 houses damaged and the administration lost one third of its workforce.
(3) Nine months later, a cholera epidemic broke out, which has turned out to be the largest cholera epidemic of modern day. At present, it still leads to more cases than in any other country in the world. A total of 697 256 cases and 8 256 deaths have been registered since the initial outbreak.
(4) High humanitarian needs have been identified in Haiti for the period 2013-2014, in particular with regard to the vulnerable population affected by the cholera and the earthquake-related crisis.
(5) Lack of sustained investment in the sanitation infrastructure and structural institutional weaknesses have so far hampered the development and implementation of a coherent health strategy, making it difficult to adequately address the cholera epidemic.
(6) Humanitarian interventions have contributed to reduce by half the number of cholera cases, but further efforts are required, also in order to avoid that the epidemic affects other countries in the region, in particular in view of the hightened risks in the rainy season.
(7) Internal displacement resulting from the 2010 earthquake continues to generate humanitarian needs. To date, 146 573 people - representing 39 464 households - are still living in 271 camps. Living contiditions are dire, with limited access to basic services. This exposes the already vulnerable population to waterbone diseases like cholera and various environmental risks and natural hazards.
(8) It is necessary to scale up relocation programmes in order to further reduce and eventually end internal displacement in Haiti.
(9) To reach populations in need, aid should be channelled through non-governmental organisations (NGOs) or international organisations including United Nations (UN) agencies. Therefore the European Commission should implement the budget by direct centralised management or by joint or indirect management, as the case may be.
(10) An assessment of the humanitarian situation leads to the conclusion that humanitarian aid actions should be financed by the European Union for a period of 12 months.
(11) The use of the Bridging Facility, composed of uncommitted balances from previous EDFs and from funds decommitted from projects or programmes under those EDFs, is necessary as all the funds for ACP countries in the general budget are entirely allocated.
(12) It is estimated that an amount of EUR 5 000 000 from Haiti's Allocation for Unforeseen Needs (B-envelope) is necessary to provide humanitarian assistance to populations directly affected by the cholera epidemic and/or the 2010-related internal displacement. In accordance with Article 72 and 73 of the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement signed in Cotonou on 23 June 20003 , as first amended in Luxembourg on 25 June 20054 and as amended for the second time in Ouagadougou on 22 June 20105 , assistance operations can be undertaken at the initiative of the Commission.
(13) The Commission will inform the EDF Committee within one month of the adoption of the Decision and this in conformity with Article 8 of the Council Regulation (EC) No 617/2007.
Article 1
1 . In accordance with the objectives and general principles of humanitarian aid, the Commission hereby approves a total amount of EUR 5 000 000 from the Bridging Facility for humanitarian aid actions to contribute to the prevention, surveillance and response to the cholera epidemic and to assist internally displaced people living in the camps in finding more durable solutions.
2 . In accordance with Article 72 of the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement, the principal objective of this Decision is to address cholera and support efforts to end the earthquake-related internal displacement. The humanitarian aid actions shall be implemented in pursuance of the following specific objectives:
to support the prevention, surveillance and response to cholera A total of EUR 2 000 000 is allocated to this specific objective. and
to assist internally displaced people in finding more durable solutions and help improve their livelihood.
A total of EUR 3 000 000 is allocated to this specific objective.
3 . The Authorising Officer by delegation may, when required by the changing circumstances, reallocate resources between the different specific objectives up to a maximum of 20% of the total amount of the Financing Decision or up to a total of EUR 3 000 000, whichever is reached first.
Article 2
1 . The period for the implementation of the actions financed under this Decision shall start on 1 May 2014 and shall run for 12 months. Eligible expenditure shall be incurred during the implementing period of the Decision.
2 . If the implementation of individual actions is suspended owing to force majeure or other exceptional circumstances, the period of suspension shall not be taken into account in the implementing period of the Decision in respect of the action suspended.
3 . In accordance with the contractual provisions ruling the Agreements financed under this Decision, the Commission may consider eligible those costs arising and incurred after the end of the implementing period of the action which are necessary for its winding-up.
4 . The Authorising Officer may, where this is justified by the humanitarian situation, extend the duration of the Decision for a maximum of 6 months provided that the total duration of the Decision does not exceed 18 months.
Article 3
1 . As a general rule, actions funded by this Decision should be co-financed.
The Authorising Officer by delegation, in accordance with Article 103.3 of the Financial Regulation applicable to the 10th EDF6 , together with Article 277 of the Rules of Application applicable to the general budget of the Union7 , may agree to the full financing of actions when this will be necessary to achieve the objectives of this Decision and with due consideration to the nature of the activities to be undertaken, the availability of other donors and other relevant operational circumstances.
2 . Actions supported by this Decision will be implemented either by non-profit-making organisations which fulfil the eligibility and suitability criteria established in Article 7 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1257/968 , international organisations .
3 . The Commission shall implement the budget:
either by direct centralised management, with non-governmental organisations
or by joint or indirect management, as the case may be, with international organisations that are signatories to the Framework Partnership Agreements (FPA) or the Financial Administrative Framework Agreement with the UN (FAFA) and which were subject to an assessment by the Commission.
Article 4
This Decision shall take effect either on the date of its adoption or on 1 May 2014, which ever occurs the latest.
Done at Brussels, 7.5.2014
For the Commission
Member of the Commission