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The Central Chlorine Distribution Center will be constructed, stocked, and running by April 1

During our February trip to Haiti we created a partnership with the Red Cross. Within the month they will fund and construct the Central Chlorine Distribution Site in the community of Delmas 30.

We are creating the Chlorine Distribution System because we cannot forget the 900,000 Haitians that already have chlorinators -- the devices do not maintain themselves. Haitian neighborhoods that have a chlorinator want to ensure that they will be able to use their chlorinators indefinitely. The Chlorine Distribution System will provide this assurance.

The Chlorine Bank System is a web of locally operated chlorine distribution sites. At each chlorine distribution site there is a warehouse that houses chlorine tablets to be used in LF 1000 or LF 2000 chlorinators. The chlorine distribution sites purchase their chlorine from the Central Chlorine Distribution Center, which purchases its chlorine from d’Adesky Import/Export, a local Haitian business.

Once the chlorine distribution sites have chlorine, community water board members will purchase chlorine from the closest site to use in their neighborhood’s chlorinator(s). The Funds that water board members will use to purchase chlorine will come from their local water stations. People in Port-au-Prince are charged 1 to 10 US¢ by water stations for every five-gallon bucket they fill. 65% of this money is paid to DINEPA for the water itself. The remaining 35% is used to pay water station staff, and now, to purchase chlorine.

The Chlorine Distribution System will provide:

  1. Improved water quality: measured by residual chlorine in households’ water supplies -- Residual chlorine = clean, safe water. Our 2011 study results: households in a community with access to a chlorinator are 20% more likely to have residual chlorine in their household water supply.

  2. A water treatment program that achieves financial self-sufficiency – measured by routine audits of each distribution system.