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Haiti + 1 more

Caribbean - Hurricane Matthew Fact Sheet #19, Fiscal Year (FY) 2017



  • WFP has reached nearly 925,000 people with food assistance since Hurricane Matthew struck Haiti in October 2016

  • Suspected cholera cases continue to decline, reaching lowest monthly caseload since August 2015

  • USAID programming in Haiti reaches more than 16,600 smallholder farmers with seeds and other agricultural inputs


  • Since Hurricane Matthew struck Haiti in early October 2016, USAID/FFP partner the UN World Food Program (WFP) has reached nearly 925,000 people with approximately 19,000 metric tons (MT) of food commodities. In addition, WFP distributed specialized nutritious foods to approximately 57,000 children younger than five years of age, as well as 18,000 pregnant and nursing women.

  • WFP reports that the number of food-insecure people in hurricane-affected areas of Haiti has increased to approximately 1.5 million people—an increase of 500,000 people since late October 2016, according to WFP. WFP plans to focus on recovery operations, including asset creation activities, while maintaining support for malnutrition prevention interventions.

  • In response to Hurricane Matthew, USAID/Haiti expanded community health services, including increased water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) activities, mobile clinics, and screenings for malnutrition. USAID/Haiti also provided a grant to the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to rehabilitate and refurbish 50 schools; and, to spur agricultural recovery, funded distribution of improved and high yield seeds.

  • The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO) announced an additional contribution of €35 million—approximately $37.4 million—for outstanding development and humanitarian needs in Haiti.

  • The number of suspected cholera cases throughout Haiti continues to decline; the nearly 1,860 new suspected cases reported in January 2017 is the lowest monthly caseload since August 2015, the UN reports.