The full extent of the devastation following the earthquake in Haiti remains unclear, but several rescue operations have been launched in spite of this. Sida (the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) has today approved additional funds to the Red Cross for emergency interventions in Haiti, and has reserved funds for an upcoming intervention through the Church of Sweden/ACT. In addition to this, Sida has allocated 100 million Swedish krona towards the UN Flash Appeal, which is to be launched later today. The Swedish preliminary priorities are medical care, water supply and shelter. Additional resources, both to Civil Society Organisations and to UN agencies, may be released in the future.
- This is the most devastating disaster in Haiti in over 200 years, and one of the worst natural disasters of the 21st century, says Per Byman, Humanitarian Team Director at Sida, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. We are prepared to, if and when necessary, increase the support for immediate emergency operations and Early Recovery work.
Sida has today allocated the following:
- 100 million Swedish krona towards the UN Flash Appeal. The final decision on the allocation is expected early next week.
- 2 million krona to the emergency operations of the Church of Sweden through ACT (Action Churches together).
Sida has previously released:
- 5 million krona to the Swedish Red Cross towards the IFRC Appeal
- 20 million krona to the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)
- 6 million to the OCHA-led ERRF (Emergency Relief Fund), which is already receiving Sida support
- We are giving priority to partners with ongoing and qualitative humanitarian programmes in Haiti, continues Byman. In this phase, Sida will not be considering support to new organisations.
As of today, Sida has allocated a total of 133 million Swedish krona (approximately 19 million US dollars) towards activities related to the Haiti earthquake.
Per Byman
Team Director
Humanitarian Team
Swedish International Development
Co-operation Agency (Sida)Telephone: +46 (0)8 698 5234
Mobile: +46 (0)70 581 3193
US cell: +1 (646) 595-6888
Fax: +46 (0)8 698 5643