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Guyana + 1 more

Guyana Needs Assessment on Migration Governance



Migration trends in the Caribbean have changed along with regional and global dynamics. In recent decades, the region has seen important transformations in the factors that push people to migrate, in the profiles of migrants and in the risks to which migrants are exposed.

In this context, promoting organized, safe, and regular migration is key. With the support of the international community, governments in the region have recognized the need to develop migration governance systems that allow them to respond to emerging challenges and to maximize the opportunities presented by migration.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has developed different guidelines and tools to support governments in this process and to facilitate aligning domestic policy with international standards for the protection of migrants, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and specifically goal 10.7 to “facilitate orderly, safe, and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies.”

As part of these efforts, IOM has created the Migration Governance Framework (MiGOF), which defines the principles and objectives of effective migration governance. Additionally, IOM has developed the Migration Governance Indicators (MGI) as an instrument that, without addressing implementation, assesses the institutional, legal and public policy framework on migration in the countries that request it. Guyana has not yet implemented the MGI; however, IOM Guyana is coordinating with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) to create a Migration Profile.

This report is part of a study that seeks to complement the available information, offering a panoramic view of migration governance in Guyana, including information about the successes and challenges in the implementation of migration policy and incorporating the perspective of the private sector and civil society.

The Migration Governance Needs Assessment in Guyana was developed in an accessible format that provides data on the structures and policies regulating migration governance and that identifies priorities for strengthening government capacity to manage migration effectively. In this sense, this report complements and builds upon the IOM Migration Profile.