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WFP Guinea Country Brief, September 2024


In Numbers

2,102 people assisted

0.207 mt of food assistance distributed

US$ 81,618 cash-based transfers made

US$ 8.6 million net funding requirements for the WFP Guinea next 12 months (October 2024 - September 2025)

Operational Updates

• In response to the severe flooding in Guinea, which affected over 133,000 people across 20,078 households,
WFP is continuing its support for the Government of Guinea through a flash appeal. The Government has requested US$ 2.3 million for a three-month assistance to households in Gueckedou, Mandiana, Kouroussa,
Kankan, and Conakry. WFP plans to assist about 8,010 households, or 40,050 beneficiaries, in the flood-affected areas, out of the total 20,078 impacted households.

• WFP enhanced the capacity of 45 health facilities and prefectural nutrition focal points in its continuous efforts to support the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene to combat chronic malnutrition in Guinea. This initiative included 16 awareness sessions on infant and young child feeding (IYCF) for 1,157 pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as 7 culinary demonstration sessions to improve knowledge on preparing nutritious recipes using local foods.

• WFP, in collaboration with the National Health Security Agency, the National Agency for the Management of Emergencies and Humanitarian Disasters, and the Directorate General of Customs, organized a week-long workshop in Kindia to update and validate the operational guide for receiving emergency aid packages and equipment. The event, which brought together over 40 executives from various ministries and humanitarian organizations, aimed to ensure compliance with national procedures, build trust with customs, and expedite aid delivery.

• In preparation for the upcoming school year, WFP is addressing a gap in the food commodity basket to sustain its activities.

• United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) transported a total of 132 passengers (32 women) and 0.8 mt of light cargo between Conakry, Nzérékoré, Siguiri and Kissidougou in support of the Government and the humanitarian community.