In Numbers
- 22,231 people assisted - 74 mt of food assistance distributed - US$ 53,000 cash-based transfers made - US$ 4.5 million net funding requirements for the next 6 months (November 2024 - April 2025)
Operational Updates
• As of October, 175,797 individuals from 23,760 households, including 7,949 pregnant and breastfeeding women were affected by flooding in Guinea. WFP will be part of the joint UN CERF proposal to assist flood-affected people.
• In October, the County Director conducted field missions to the leading Zero Hunger Villages across the 8 field offices. These missions aimed to assess the performance of WFP’s country sub-offices and the Zero Hunger Villages, and help identify strengths and areas for improvement, and guide the ongoing restructuring of the country office.
• WFP initiated an emergency local purchase of 203 mt of rice to address a gap in the food commodity basket. This purchase will enable WFP to support the planned 47,172 students, including 5,284 through the Cash-Based Transfer Home-Grown School Feeding modality, which will be implemented in 320 schools for the new term of the 2024-2025 school year.
• WFP provided financial and technical support to train 36 health workers responsible for nutrition activities, including heads of health centres and the prefectural nutrition focal point of Gueckedou. The training focused on supplementing moderately acute malnourished children and preventing chronic malnutrition among children aged 0 to 24 months.
• WFP, in collaboration with the National Agency for Health Security (ANSS), the National Agency for Urban and Community Health (ANGUCH), and the Directorate General of Customs (DGD), organized a workshop to revise the operational guide for receiving emergency aid. The revised guide aims to streamline procedures, reduce delays, and ensure that aid reaches those in need more swiftly and efficiently.
• UNHAS transported a total of 215 passengers (49 women) and 0.2 mt of light cargo between Conakry,
Nzérékoré, Siguiri and Kissidougou in support of the Government and the humanitarian community.